Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Movie for the Family to Watch!!!

Since winter is coming up it's a great time to watch movies with your family. One of my favorite movies are called Home Alone and the other good part it's happening during Christmas. It's very funny too it's about a boy who accidentally gets left during a Christmas trip. Then bad guys try to break into his house but he defends his house as best as he can. Here's a sneak preview of this movie, hope you enjoy it!!!!!!

The End

Today I finished reading a book called The End by Lemony Snicket. In the last series Violet, Klaus and Sunny are stranded on a island with Count Olaf. The island excepts Violet, Klaus, and Sunny but not Count Olaf. Then Kit Snicket washes up on the island and has a baby but dies Count Olaf does too. So the three children have to watch over Kit's baby who was a girl. They lived on the island for almost a year then they leave the island, but in the end it ends in a mystery. If you want to find out read the book or you can watch the movie. If you want to find out go to Heres a sneak preview of the movie.

My Favorite T-Shirt Brand

To me my favorite t-shirt brand are Areopostale and Hollister.  Here are some of them that I think are great. I hope you like them too.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Getting Active

 People think the only way to get active is going outside and doing other boring stuff. Well its not boring, you can use a Xbox Kinect. It's very fun, you can play different games like Kinect Adventures. Or you could play Kinect Sports too. There are much more games too. You can always have fun with your family too.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Beyonce Music Video

 I love some of Beyonce;s music videos . Here is one of her music videos called Halo. I hope you enjoy the music video!!!

Book of the Day

The of the book today is the series I'm reading called A series of Unfortunate Events I just finished book 12. I'ts called ''The Penulimate Peril'' the author is Lemony Snicket.The book is about 3 orphans that have to pretend to be concierges. They have a mission to study which one is are their enemies and which are the volunteers. They also do good deeds and bad if you want to visit the authors website go