Monday, December 3, 2012

The Mark of Athena

A few weeks ago I finished reading a  book called "The Mark of Athena" by Rick Rordan. It came out this year and has been  a great hit. Rick Rordan has also made many other books that have been part of a series. I prescribe this book to people and I hope you enjoy it!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Sorry for not posting in like months!!!!!! Iv'e been busy and kind of forgot all about that. Sorry for everything!!!!!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Betty Boop

This is one of those sassy characters. She is also one of those stylish characters too. She had a TV show but it got cancled.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Snikers is one of my favorite candy bars. It's just so delicous, but were not allowed to bring any peanut to school. So I can eat them anywhere except school. Oh weeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllll.

The Tale of Desperaux

Today my class is going to watch a movie. We're going to watch it because we read the book. The book is a really great book.


I have been reading a series. It's called Geronimo Stilton. It's a really funny book and interesting too.
This is Geronimo Stilton

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Now I hate many insects like ants.There is only one I adore. Those bugs are ladybugs!!!!!!!! There red with polka dots that are black.There just so cute to meeee!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I finished reading a book called Babymuse:   Monster Mash. It's a really great bookkk!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

One of My Favorite Characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of my most favorite characters is Tweety Bird. She just such a little cute bird. She is also in Looney Toons.

Great Book

I am now reading a book called Babymouse. It's actualy a series, I think people should read about this exciting mouse series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Great Movie

A few days ago I watched a movie called Courageous. It was based on a true story and it was a sad one too. I think people should watch this historic movie since it;s so great. Here's the preview of the movie.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Staying Fit

People can still stay fit and have fun by playing Dance Central 2!!!! You can dance to great songs and it keeps track of how much weight you loose. Most of all though they should have fun. People should try this game too.

Violet in Bloom

Today I finished reading a book called Violet in Bloom. It's the book after Luv Ya Bunches. In this book the four 5th grade are having some problems. Violet steals someones journal Yasman and Katie Rose are having problems with Natalia. Worst of all Camilla kills her crush's pet. At the end though it all works out though. To me I thi  nk this book was great, people should read the series too.

Candy Apple Book

People should read this great book called Miss You Mina. The book is connected to other books too.

A new Series I'm Starting

I am starting to read a new series called Main Street. It's mainly about two girls that are orphans. Their names are Flora and Ruby and have a cat named King Comma. They now live with their  grandma Min and her golden retriever Daisy. I think people should read this series too!!!