Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween Outfits

 It's almost Halloween time and you need costumes. Well check these costumes out and if you like them. Well guess what you can buy them online on Hope you like some of these costumes!!!

One of my Favorite Singers

One of my Hip Hop singers that my favorite is Beyonce . She is married to Jay-Z another Hip Hop singer. I love listening to almost all her songs. She has won some awards too. She has also been in some movies. If you haven't listened to any of her songs yet you should.

Now You See Me

The book of the day is called Now You See Me. It is about a girl named Lena and her friend Abby who gets an old kind of camera. Then when they start taking pictures a mysterious boy keeps on showing up in the pictures. Lena and Abby think that the boy is haunting them so they try to figure out what's going on. This book is very good you have to read it.

Something Really Hilliarous

One of my favorite funny shows is Wipe Out on ABC. I just think that show is hilarious. It's about contestants who try to win $50.00 dollars. Even though they get a chance to win $50.00 dollars they have to do crazy things. Here's a sneak preview of an episode!!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Drama Queen

The book of the day is Drama Queen the author of the book is Lara Bergen. The book is about a girl named Charlie who is in a play. The reason she wanted to be in the play because her friend Nicole forced her to and another reason is because her big crush Kyle is going to be in it. Even though somethings turn out bad like she has to take her little bratty sister with her. Also Amber Wiley is always making fun of her all the time and Charlie's life miserable. Then of the day of the play Amber Wiley can't sing but since Charlie knows her part she has to do it. Then next thing you know she becomes the star of the play. I think this book is very interesting. If you want to know more about the book and the author go

Monday, October 17, 2011

Book of the Day

Today I just finished reading a book called '' The Boy Next Door''.  It was about friends named  Taryn and Jeff. They have been friends for a long time.Then everything changes when they are in sixth grade. They have a big fights and they start to get jealous of each other. Also Taryn's friends are saying that she has a crush on Jeff even though she says that is not true.If you want to know more you have to go to your own public library or your school library too.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Another Part of the Series

One of the books  have just finished reading is called The Grim Grotto. It is part of the series I was talking about called A Series of Unfortunate events. In the book I finished reading today the Baulderies family were floating in the sea and were saved by a submarine. Then they met a girl named Fiona and the captin Captin Windershins. Fiona stepfather is the captin and her brother was said to be lost at sea which is no really true.You'll find out about the rest of the story on this

Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Favorite Book.

I love doing many things almost all the time. One the main things I like doing is reading books.Especially fictional books like '' A Series of Unfortunate Events'' by Lemony Snicket. The series are very interesting  there are 13 in all. The series is about 3 orphans who's parents have gotten killed in a fire, but they think that one of them are alive. If you want to know the rest go to

Friday, October 7, 2011

How I Love Tennis

I have loved tennis ever since I was seven years old. I have been inspired playing tennis by Venus and Serena Williams. Venus and Serena Williams are sisters, but Venus Williams is older. She was born on June 17, 1981. While her sister Serena Williams was born on September 26, 1981. They have played against each other in professional matches since  1988 and they have played 23 times. Venus has won more matches though. Tennis was first played by European monks. It was played for entertainment purposes during religous ceromonies. At first, the Europeans only used their hands and a ball. Later leather gloves came in existance . Eventually, they all got replaced by rackets.I remember the firdt time I watched my first tennis match, it was Venus Williams versus Serena Williams. It was so intense and exciting that I couldn't even sit in my chair. After that day , I decided to start playing tennis. My mom said that registetion was over at the community center and I had to wait until I finished all the other programs that I was enrollrd in. When I was Eight years old my mom enrolled me in tennis class. Iwas scared and excited at the same time.My teacher was very niceand helped us become better in tennis. Next thing you know I got better at tennis. I have bwwn playing tennis for some time and I think it's really fun. So this is the reason I love tennis.